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Episode 3

Should you get outboard audio gear?

Is hardware really worth it when it comes to podcasting? The answer depends. Here’s our reasons on why you might want to consider picking something up.

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Tips & Tricks

Episode 2

Mic tricks to take you to the next level

Stop rolling with those default settings on your mic. These small tweaks will take you from sounding good to great.

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Episode 1

The best microphone under $200

With so many microphones on the market, how are you supposed to know what’s the best? Take a look at our top picks.

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right-icon Meet your host

Jacob Paulaner

Jacob has a background in audio engineering, and has been podcasting since the early days.

He’s here to help you level up your game by sharing everything he’s learned along the way.

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I can’t recommend this podcast enough

Betty Lacey

Jacob is the best in the business

Adam Driver

A wealth of audio knowledge

Marcus Brown

Every episode is a gem!

Jessica Knowl

Whoa whoa, let me take some notes!

Scott Adams

I’ve upped my game considerably since I started listening

Steven Blast